
aDX Dashboard


This was a good opportunity for me to apply newly developed UI patterns to an existing page that had not changed for over four years.

This was a good opportunity for me to apply newly developed UI patterns to an existing page that had not changed for over four years.

The purpose of redesigning the Agent Digital Experience (aDX) homepage was mainly based on a business requirement to create an actionable task flow for travel agents. Agents should be able to complete tasks and grow their business all in one place.

Here are a few design approaches I took and why:

1. Tightened up the navigation items at the top, leaving only the very necessary drop-down menu items that agents could access at all times

2. Changed the service options from tiles to icons, allowing for a lighter and more current feel. There was a request for highlighting agent information prominently so I created a rotating carousel which would provide insights (i.e. daily status and KPIs) and information on the tool (new features, etc.)

3. A vertical menu was introduced for better flow and organization. The overall width of the page increased to better accommodate the information within each tab. Developed and integrated the To Do's tab where automatic and manual follow up activities remind agents to complete various actions to see the completion of a client's trip, to stay engaged with the client and to help improve close rate

4. New features such as being able to snooze a task was created in response to a need for dealing with a task at a later date. New UI elements such as unread notifications and high priority to-do's helped achieve the framework for a task-oriented dashboard